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Price list for some of the services that we can provide
Car / Light Truck
Mounting - $6.00 per tire
Balancing - $6.00 per tire
Valve Stems - $2.00 per tire
Disposal - $3.50 per tire
Tire Repair - $20.00
TPMS Reset - $20.00 (free with purchase or previous customer)
TPMS Service - (call for quote)
Farm Service
Medium Duty Truck
Call for quote
On site Service -
Price Depends on Location
17.5 /19.5 Mounting - $15.00 per tire
17.5 /19.5 Balancing - $15.00 per tire
22.5 / 24.5 Mounting - $25.00 per tire
22.5 / 24.5 Balancing - $25.00 per tire
On Site Service - $Depends on location

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